This is IT!
Gonna be induced on Friday 23 July 2010 to deliver Baby C,
2.5 weeks earlier from his due date.
To be precise ...
Need to be admitted to the hospital at 0001HR on 23 July 2010.
Doctor will start the process at 0100HR
Baby C should arrive by 1900HR
(Yes.. I actually used the 24hr time format.. well trained by the Navy Husband)
For my speculative friends out there, NOPE, there is nothing magical about 23 July 2010.
And NOPE, I certainly did not sign up for the horoscope package offered by the hospital (I bet some of you are not even aware there is one right? Me too:)
Truth is, baby C is growing way too fast
2.6Kg at week 33
3.0Kg at week 35
3.5Kg at week 37
Plotting his growth chart, he will most probably cross 4Kg at week 40, and by then C-section is most probably the only way to go.
Hence, in order to avoid that, induced birth is the way to go!
Est Vs Adrian Vs Doc
Est: " I can't believe I have to go through this"
Doc:" You dont have to be induced, I'm not saying it's a must, but it's an option for you"
Est: "I'm not PREPARED at all, I can't opt for this option!"
Adrian and Doc.. :"Because...?"
Est: " For one, I have not packed the hospital bag."
Doc :" You have another 5 days to do it, why worry!"
Est: " There are outstanding items for the baby that I have not purchased.."
(Rambling off the list)
Adrian: " This can be settled within 2hrs at NTUC "
Est: "Ok fine, I'm not prepared.. Mentally"
Adrian:" Well, you have 5 days to get into the mode!"
Doc: "There is certain drama and romance about natural childbirth
that women dream about you know?"
Est: "Doc, I'm not drama lei and I certainly dont need this kind of romance!"
Adrian: whipping out the calender.. " So when are you free to deliver the baby...."
Est: ....(speechless, state of shock)
So Excitied? Nervous? Apprehensive?
Mixture of everthing.
Excited... because I cant wait to see Baby C
Nervous... not mentally prepared to give birth now
Apprehensive .... coz my pain threshold is very low
Pls say a prayer for me this friday ya?
On a lighter note, I wish I have twins, because....
Gonna be induced on Friday 23 July 2010 to deliver Baby C,
2.5 weeks earlier from his due date.
To be precise ...
Need to be admitted to the hospital at 0001HR on 23 July 2010.
Doctor will start the process at 0100HR
Baby C should arrive by 1900HR
(Yes.. I actually used the 24hr time format.. well trained by the Navy Husband)
For my speculative friends out there, NOPE, there is nothing magical about 23 July 2010.
And NOPE, I certainly did not sign up for the horoscope package offered by the hospital (I bet some of you are not even aware there is one right? Me too:)
Truth is, baby C is growing way too fast
2.6Kg at week 33
3.0Kg at week 35
3.5Kg at week 37
Plotting his growth chart, he will most probably cross 4Kg at week 40, and by then C-section is most probably the only way to go.
Hence, in order to avoid that, induced birth is the way to go!
Est Vs Adrian Vs Doc
Est: " I can't believe I have to go through this"
Doc:" You dont have to be induced, I'm not saying it's a must, but it's an option for you"
Est: "I'm not PREPARED at all, I can't opt for this option!"
Adrian and Doc.. :"Because...?"
Est: " For one, I have not packed the hospital bag."
Doc :" You have another 5 days to do it, why worry!"
Est: " There are outstanding items for the baby that I have not purchased.."
(Rambling off the list)
Adrian: " This can be settled within 2hrs at NTUC "
Est: "Ok fine, I'm not prepared.. Mentally"
Adrian:" Well, you have 5 days to get into the mode!"
Doc: "There is certain drama and romance about natural childbirth
that women dream about you know?"
Est: "Doc, I'm not drama lei and I certainly dont need this kind of romance!"
Adrian: whipping out the calender.. " So when are you free to deliver the baby...."
Est: ....(speechless, state of shock)
So Excitied? Nervous? Apprehensive?
Mixture of everthing.
Excited... because I cant wait to see Baby C
Nervous... not mentally prepared to give birth now
Apprehensive .... coz my pain threshold is very low
Pls say a prayer for me this friday ya?
On a lighter note, I wish I have twins, because....

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting!!! I shall say a long prayer for you on Fri! Haha! No worries, I went to be induced too, on exactly 23 Jan 2008. So my J will be 2.5 years older than your C! You getting epi ya? ;)