Post - MPA commencement.
So now that I've graduated, or erm commenced..
whatever, what's next?
I should and I wanna conquer the world with my much-coveted-new-found degree.
Hey, not that I wanna boast,
but I did work really hard to complete the course,
and I didn't do too badly either.
So, should it be the Public sector ie civil service?Private sector?
Or the NGO? the one sector that appealed greatly to me.
This has been the No. 1 discussion between Adrian and I over the last 8 months.
(Yup, not so much debate on public policies in the post-MPA days :)
He has always been ultra-supportive in whatever decision that I wanna make.
But, the soon-to-be arrival of baby C changes everything.
On one hand, the go-getter-competitive nature of me wanna go out and conquer the world;
I know I want to and I know I can.
YET the lack of childcare option and our unwillingness to place Baby C in the hands of maid, nanny and infant care centres warrants a decision from us.
Having a baby entails sacrifice, and one of us would have to make that choice.
So, What's next?
After much deliberation, calculation (of course la, need to count the cost ie $$) and prayers, I've decided to take a break from work and be a SAHM (Stay-at-home mum) cum housewife for the next 2 years.

On one hand, I'm excited about this decision.
I want to spend as much time as I can during Baby C's formative years. I cant imagine missing out on his major development milestones.
I'm glad to be spared from the "guilt" that working mothers sometimes experiences having missing out so much on their baby's life.
Yet, the decision is not without its concerns.
Can I cope with losing my economic independence?
Would we survive ok with single income?
Would I be too bored? Cooped up with a baby at home?
What if i become a 黄脸婆?
Would I be able to integrate into the working world if I choose to do so after a few years?
What would life entail?......
Question. Question. Question.
Decision. Decision. Decision.
But one thing is for sure.
If Baby C is a precious gift from God to us, then he deserves the best that we can give.
SO, herein begins my SAHM journey.
For a start, I'm getting acquainted with the grocery prices of NTUC, shop-and-save, wet market, neighbourhood stores etc :)
This is my new found hobby.
My husband lsaid I'm fast becoming a HDB tai-tai!
Hey you think becoming HDB tai-tai so easy ah?
Quoting shop-and-save's advertisement : "省,省,省, 妈妈最行!”
So here's wishing me ALL THE BEST!

So now that I've graduated, or erm commenced..
whatever, what's next?
I should and I wanna conquer the world with my much-coveted-new-found degree.
Hey, not that I wanna boast,
but I did work really hard to complete the course,
and I didn't do too badly either.
So, should it be the Public sector ie civil service?Private sector?
Or the NGO? the one sector that appealed greatly to me.
This has been the No. 1 discussion between Adrian and I over the last 8 months.
(Yup, not so much debate on public policies in the post-MPA days :)
He has always been ultra-supportive in whatever decision that I wanna make.
But, the soon-to-be arrival of baby C changes everything.
On one hand, the go-getter-competitive nature of me wanna go out and conquer the world;
I know I want to and I know I can.
YET the lack of childcare option and our unwillingness to place Baby C in the hands of maid, nanny and infant care centres warrants a decision from us.
Having a baby entails sacrifice, and one of us would have to make that choice.
So, What's next?
After much deliberation, calculation (of course la, need to count the cost ie $$) and prayers, I've decided to take a break from work and be a SAHM (Stay-at-home mum) cum housewife for the next 2 years.

On one hand, I'm excited about this decision.
I want to spend as much time as I can during Baby C's formative years. I cant imagine missing out on his major development milestones.
I'm glad to be spared from the "guilt" that working mothers sometimes experiences having missing out so much on their baby's life.
Yet, the decision is not without its concerns.
Can I cope with losing my economic independence?
Would we survive ok with single income?
Would I be too bored? Cooped up with a baby at home?
What if i become a 黄脸婆?
Would I be able to integrate into the working world if I choose to do so after a few years?
What would life entail?......
Question. Question. Question.
Decision. Decision. Decision.
But one thing is for sure.
If Baby C is a precious gift from God to us, then he deserves the best that we can give.
SO, herein begins my SAHM journey.
For a start, I'm getting acquainted with the grocery prices of NTUC, shop-and-save, wet market, neighbourhood stores etc :)
This is my new found hobby.
My husband lsaid I'm fast becoming a HDB tai-tai!
Hey you think becoming HDB tai-tai so easy ah?
Quoting shop-and-save's advertisement : "省,省,省, 妈妈最行!”
So here's wishing me ALL THE BEST!

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