Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Note to Baby C

Dear Christian:

You have been really difficult today. I'm totally exhausted.

It's frustrating when you refuse to be fed and refuses to sleep. What is upsetting you?
Mummy has been up since 3am this morning. There are so many times throughout the day when mummy feels like placing you into the cot and scoots off somewhere. But I cant.
Don't you know daddy is away "fishing" in the far ocean? It's just you and me.
Mummy wishes you would cooperate.

As I am typing these words and watch you sleeping soundly in your tiny cot, you still bring a smile to my face. I must be crazy. My head is pounding from the sleepless night, my limbs are aching from carrying you whole day long, my stomach is growling from the lack of proper meals, but, I still love you. I wish you can be a happy and easy baby everyday, even if not, I still love you.

Baby C, make life easier for mummy ok?
I just want you to know
You are God's precious
You are my precious



  1. Dear Mommie Esther, think most if not all babies are like that? ;) JIAYOU JIAYOU!

  2. Hiya!

    Just dropped by! Did not know that u had a blog until today! :)

    He will definitely get easier as the day go by! :)


  3. Thanks Ed and Jerb,
    Im TRYING to see the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel :)

