Baby C is ultra blessed.
2 months after his arrival, the gifts are still pouring in
Thank you peeps!
Daddy's A Aunty Jennie sent some toys and clothes, all the way from Australia.
Alas, Baby C has outgrown all the clothing.
But we do appreciate you!

Aunty Ting Ting came to visit last week.
She brought some interesting gifts for Baby C.
Book Pals!

I find them interesting cause I've never seen them before.
These soft toys like "creatures" are actually books that teaches little babies colours, shapes, objects etc. It comes with different textures to train babies' sense of touch. How cool!
Daddy A is most pleased with these gifts as it aligns with his "Baby C must learn how to read by 6 months" vision.
But best of all are the 2 cards made by Ting's adorable kids - Ashley and Tristan
Tristan's Card
Ting and I wonder why Baby Christian is hanging outside of the little cot hmmm. Hey but its a great effort by a 4 year old boy! Love him to bits
Ashley's card
I can't help but laughed at what she wrote.
"I am 8 years old already. You can be like me too! JUST GROW UP.!"
How true! From a little kid's perspective, all you need to do or be responsible for is JUST GROW UP. But seriously, there's lots that goes into this statement... for the parents!
The card came with a song composed by Ashley too
" The Welcome Song" (Sing to the tune of Mary had a little lamb) Welcome, welcome, yes welcome! To this world, yes,yes, yes! !elcome, welcome, yes welcome! To this world, yes,yes YES!
I laughed real hard.
Thank you so much Ash and Tris
Aunty Est loves u guys!
2 months after his arrival, the gifts are still pouring in
Thank you peeps!
Daddy's A Aunty Jennie sent some toys and clothes, all the way from Australia.
Alas, Baby C has outgrown all the clothing.
But we do appreciate you!
Aunty Ting Ting came to visit last week.
She brought some interesting gifts for Baby C.
Book Pals!
These soft toys like "creatures" are actually books that teaches little babies colours, shapes, objects etc. It comes with different textures to train babies' sense of touch. How cool!
Daddy A is most pleased with these gifts as it aligns with his "Baby C must learn how to read by 6 months" vision.
But best of all are the 2 cards made by Ting's adorable kids - Ashley and Tristan
Tristan's Card
Ashley's card
"I am 8 years old already. You can be like me too! JUST GROW UP.!"
How true! From a little kid's perspective, all you need to do or be responsible for is JUST GROW UP. But seriously, there's lots that goes into this statement... for the parents!
The card came with a song composed by Ashley too
" The Welcome Song" (Sing to the tune of Mary had a little lamb) Welcome, welcome, yes welcome! To this world, yes,yes, yes! !elcome, welcome, yes welcome! To this world, yes,yes YES!
I laughed real hard.
Thank you so much Ash and Tris
Aunty Est loves u guys!