I'm totally blessed with a baby that sleeps through the night.
Yes, baby C now sleeps from 830pm till 7am the next day without waking up since Week 10.
Reminiscing the initial days when Baby C woke up every 2 hours for feeding throughout the night, it still sends shudders down my spine.
I know motherhood entails sacrifices and hard work and Im somewhat prepared for it. But given I did not have the luxury of any help from my mum or my MIL and any helper, it was really a challenge mentally and physically to care for the active baby during the day in a sleep-deprived mode. Moreover, Daddy A was sent on an overseas deployment for a month 4 weeks after Baby C was born, it was challenging.
Hence it was out of desperate measure to preserve my sanity that I've decided to train C.
I believe babies are creatures of habits and they too can be trained at a young age. My friend Jiaqi gave me a book she bought from Taiwan which documents, step-by-step process of training a baby. I'm so grateful for the useful Information and I tailored it to suit Baby C.
Ok, I'm not saying it is easy for any mum to do but I was really convicted and was determined to do so. I'm documenting the process in this entry as a reminder for me on how to train my next baby. Hope it's useful for you too.
I started with Baby C when he was 7 weeks old.
A. Getting the baby into a DAYTIME routine (when to eat and when to sleep)
The first thing that I did was to get C's body accustomed to a routine during the day
Previously he slept when he wanted and fed solely by demand. On good days, he can sleep for 4 -5hours straight; on bad days, he was awake for up to 6 hours at a go. The lack of predictability affected me - both physically and mentally.
I adhered to the feed-play-sleep routine:
1. Feed - Ensure he is full.
I started by putting C on 3-hour feed schedule.
I ensure he is FULL after each feed and even when he cried in between the 3 hours I didnt feed him. Rather, I would try to distract him by playing and talking to him.
But I was flexible at the initial stage, +/- 20mins. After 3-4 days he adjusted to feed exactly at 3 hours.
2. Play - I expensed his energy after each feed by playing with him. I would sing to him, perform action songs together, belly play, read books, flash cards, jungle gym etc.
At times I would bring him for a walk aroundd the neighbourhood park or even to NTUC or Library.
3. Sleep - I put him to sleep within 1hour after each feed.
C protested vehemently the first few times but I would still put him in the cot. He screamed and wailed but I hardened my hard and let him cry (sometimes I sat beside his cot and cried together with him haha!) I wouldn't pick him up unless he is too traumatized by his own cries. Initially he cried himself too sleep. After 3-4 days, he knew that crying wouldnt get him picked up and his body adjusted to the routine slowly. By the end of the 1st week, C would fall asleep within 1 hour after each feed.
When I first started to train C, he would sleep for about 2 hours after each feed during the day, but woke up 2-3x to nurse during the night. But I gave him some time to adjust and I caught up on my sleep during the day while he took a nap.
Getting his body accustomed to a routine during the DAY is the first step. This helps to pave the way for me to get him to sleep through the night.
B. Getting the baby into a NIGHTTIME routine
I would bring baby C to his bedroom between 8-830pm each day.
I darken the room, leaving only a small nightlight on.
I dulled all activities - spoke to him softly, or caressed him gently. Even if he cries, I wouldnt bring him to the living room or turn on the lights.
For the first week, I was "locked up" in the same room with him from 8pm till whenever he slept, sometimes 1-2am every night. This lasted for 1.5 weeks. But after a while, when his body recgonized that nighttime is for sleeping he didnt fuss as much anymore
My last feed for him was around 1130pm/12am. I burped him, change his diaper and put him to bed.
He woke up around 3am to be fed (as per his 3 hour routine).
During the first night, I let him cry 5mins before feeding him; 2nd night, 10mins before feeding him. 3rd night 15mins before feeding him. 4th night 20mins before I feed. Before I knew it, he fell asleep while crying and does not demand any feed anymore.
I'm not saying its easy, it can be rather heart wrenching to hear him cry. But i did my research and checked with the PD, appropriate amount of crying is good for babies' lungs, it would not be detrimental unless its excessive.
So slowly, instead of waking up at 3am, he started waking up at 4am to be fed, then 5am to be fed and then 6am and now 7am.
I started having success by getting him to sleep from 12-6am. Then I kept putting him to bed earlier, 11pm, 10pm, 9pm etc. Nowadays, when I put him to bed at 830pm, he will fall asleep pretty soon. In fact, his body is so accustomed to the routine that by 8pm he is yawning away.

He sleeps now from aroundd 830pm till around 7am the next day. I would wake him up to feed him at 12am, but he usually sleeps while he suckles.
The whole process took about 2.5 weeks. By week 10, C was already sleeping through 10hours during the night. Yes the process was tiring and even heart wrenching at times, but we as a family reaps the benefits.
1. Baby C is less cranky and a much happier Baby
PD recommends that kids between 1-3 years get 13-15 hours of sleep daily. This is crucial for the development of the brain.
Ever since C started to sleep through the night, I've noticed a marked improvement in his temperament. He wakes up laughing and smiling in his cot daily. He doesnt cry nor fuss, jut moving his hands and legs laughing and exploring the room. C doesnt cry at all during the day (unless he poop or the sotong mummy forgot to feed him by the 3 hr mark). He is very alert and observant during the day, and I really enjoy playing with him, reading together, taking a walk together.
2. Mummy E gets adequate rest
I am clocking 8-10hours of sleep daily. As a result, I'm well rested, happy, energetic during the day and definitely less irritable. Baby C benefits from having a happy mum too.

3. Time spent with Hubby
I'm always reminded of the danger in "over-investing" in the kid and "under-investing" in the marriage. There was a point after C was born when I was so tired, frustrated, irritable that I constantly took it out on hubby. (Sigh.. I'm so thankful for a tolerant husband). Ever since Baby C sleeps through the night, we find ourselves scooting off for a movie after 8pm, attends CG, chilling over a cup of tea together or simply catch up on our reading(or cartoons, thats for the hubby) at night. It really helped in building our marriage.
I'm sold. I totally believe in training a baby. Thanks JIAQI for sharing your experience and for the wonderful book :)
Yes, baby C now sleeps from 830pm till 7am the next day without waking up since Week 10.
Reminiscing the initial days when Baby C woke up every 2 hours for feeding throughout the night, it still sends shudders down my spine.
I know motherhood entails sacrifices and hard work and Im somewhat prepared for it. But given I did not have the luxury of any help from my mum or my MIL and any helper, it was really a challenge mentally and physically to care for the active baby during the day in a sleep-deprived mode. Moreover, Daddy A was sent on an overseas deployment for a month 4 weeks after Baby C was born, it was challenging.
It was ME vs C, no one else.
Hence it was out of desperate measure to preserve my sanity that I've decided to train C.
I believe babies are creatures of habits and they too can be trained at a young age. My friend Jiaqi gave me a book she bought from Taiwan which documents, step-by-step process of training a baby. I'm so grateful for the useful Information and I tailored it to suit Baby C.
Ok, I'm not saying it is easy for any mum to do but I was really convicted and was determined to do so. I'm documenting the process in this entry as a reminder for me on how to train my next baby. Hope it's useful for you too.
I started with Baby C when he was 7 weeks old.
A. Getting the baby into a DAYTIME routine (when to eat and when to sleep)
The first thing that I did was to get C's body accustomed to a routine during the day
Previously he slept when he wanted and fed solely by demand. On good days, he can sleep for 4 -5hours straight; on bad days, he was awake for up to 6 hours at a go. The lack of predictability affected me - both physically and mentally.
I adhered to the feed-play-sleep routine:
1. Feed - Ensure he is full.
I started by putting C on 3-hour feed schedule.
I ensure he is FULL after each feed and even when he cried in between the 3 hours I didnt feed him. Rather, I would try to distract him by playing and talking to him.
But I was flexible at the initial stage, +/- 20mins. After 3-4 days he adjusted to feed exactly at 3 hours.
2. Play - I expensed his energy after each feed by playing with him. I would sing to him, perform action songs together, belly play, read books, flash cards, jungle gym etc.
At times I would bring him for a walk aroundd the neighbourhood park or even to NTUC or Library.
3. Sleep - I put him to sleep within 1hour after each feed.
C protested vehemently the first few times but I would still put him in the cot. He screamed and wailed but I hardened my hard and let him cry (sometimes I sat beside his cot and cried together with him haha!) I wouldn't pick him up unless he is too traumatized by his own cries. Initially he cried himself too sleep. After 3-4 days, he knew that crying wouldnt get him picked up and his body adjusted to the routine slowly. By the end of the 1st week, C would fall asleep within 1 hour after each feed.
When I first started to train C, he would sleep for about 2 hours after each feed during the day, but woke up 2-3x to nurse during the night. But I gave him some time to adjust and I caught up on my sleep during the day while he took a nap.
Getting his body accustomed to a routine during the DAY is the first step. This helps to pave the way for me to get him to sleep through the night.
B. Getting the baby into a NIGHTTIME routine
I would bring baby C to his bedroom between 8-830pm each day.
I darken the room, leaving only a small nightlight on.
I dulled all activities - spoke to him softly, or caressed him gently. Even if he cries, I wouldnt bring him to the living room or turn on the lights.
For the first week, I was "locked up" in the same room with him from 8pm till whenever he slept, sometimes 1-2am every night. This lasted for 1.5 weeks. But after a while, when his body recgonized that nighttime is for sleeping he didnt fuss as much anymore
My last feed for him was around 1130pm/12am. I burped him, change his diaper and put him to bed.
He woke up around 3am to be fed (as per his 3 hour routine).
During the first night, I let him cry 5mins before feeding him; 2nd night, 10mins before feeding him. 3rd night 15mins before feeding him. 4th night 20mins before I feed. Before I knew it, he fell asleep while crying and does not demand any feed anymore.
I'm not saying its easy, it can be rather heart wrenching to hear him cry. But i did my research and checked with the PD, appropriate amount of crying is good for babies' lungs, it would not be detrimental unless its excessive.
So slowly, instead of waking up at 3am, he started waking up at 4am to be fed, then 5am to be fed and then 6am and now 7am.
I started having success by getting him to sleep from 12-6am. Then I kept putting him to bed earlier, 11pm, 10pm, 9pm etc. Nowadays, when I put him to bed at 830pm, he will fall asleep pretty soon. In fact, his body is so accustomed to the routine that by 8pm he is yawning away.
He sleeps now from aroundd 830pm till around 7am the next day. I would wake him up to feed him at 12am, but he usually sleeps while he suckles.
The whole process took about 2.5 weeks. By week 10, C was already sleeping through 10hours during the night. Yes the process was tiring and even heart wrenching at times, but we as a family reaps the benefits.
1. Baby C is less cranky and a much happier Baby
PD recommends that kids between 1-3 years get 13-15 hours of sleep daily. This is crucial for the development of the brain.
Ever since C started to sleep through the night, I've noticed a marked improvement in his temperament. He wakes up laughing and smiling in his cot daily. He doesnt cry nor fuss, jut moving his hands and legs laughing and exploring the room. C doesnt cry at all during the day (unless he poop or the sotong mummy forgot to feed him by the 3 hr mark). He is very alert and observant during the day, and I really enjoy playing with him, reading together, taking a walk together.
2. Mummy E gets adequate rest
I am clocking 8-10hours of sleep daily. As a result, I'm well rested, happy, energetic during the day and definitely less irritable. Baby C benefits from having a happy mum too.
3. Time spent with Hubby
I'm always reminded of the danger in "over-investing" in the kid and "under-investing" in the marriage. There was a point after C was born when I was so tired, frustrated, irritable that I constantly took it out on hubby. (Sigh.. I'm so thankful for a tolerant husband). Ever since Baby C sleeps through the night, we find ourselves scooting off for a movie after 8pm, attends CG, chilling over a cup of tea together or simply catch up on our reading(or cartoons, thats for the hubby) at night. It really helped in building our marriage.
I'm sold. I totally believe in training a baby. Thanks JIAQI for sharing your experience and for the wonderful book :)
Hi Esther, i'm very happy to see you benefit from the book, it also saves me from lots of headache and sleepless nitesss..haha, thank God for experienced mothers : ) Baby C is really very blessed to have such determined loving and wise mother, i think you can publish a BOOK already...
ReplyDeleteThanks Jiaqi! that book saved me ALOT of heartaches and headaches too!
ReplyDeleteGreat tips! Those were the very things that made my train-baby-to-sleep-through-the-night-so-that-Mummy-gets-her-life-back journey a successful one too! :)
ReplyDeleteEst, thanks for sharing! It's very helpful !:)
ReplyDeleteHi, tks for sharing this extremely useful post. Can I check with you on your feed play sleep routine? My 4 weeks old baby usually falls asleep after her feed. So my current routine is more feed sleep play. Should I deliberately wake her up to play with her?