Baby C turned 3 months old a couple of days ago.
How time flies!
The husband asked if I felt any different being a mum? Well NOT REALLY.
I mean Yes the panda eyes, the sleepless nights (AND days), having my life revolving around the little one etc... It's definitely an experience BUT not as different emotionally as I thought.
It's kinda surreal, fulfilling.. well if you know what I mean.
My Precious C now weighs 8kg
Yup, no joke, my little cub's is at the 99th percentile of his age group for weight and the Mummy is actually developing some muscles at the arm for the first time.
A chubby C! I love his bib
To think we purchased all these while I was only 24weeks pregnant in Washington DC. How time flies!
He drinks 160ml of milk every 3 hours and the BEST thing is, my little baby is sleeping through the night. YES! Baby C sleeps through the night from Week 10. Nowadays he sleeps from 8pm - 6am without waking up (though Mummy still feeds him at 1130pm every night and he suckles in his sleep). I will blog about the process of training him in my next post.
He is definitely more responsive and interactive now.
He is developing his motor skills - clutching is definitely one of them.
He now knows how to clutch his rattle, hug his soft toy and responds by laughing when I speak to him.

We have started him on the "literacy" programme, as Daddy A puts it.
Since my last post on getting a library card for C, we have put tbe card into good use.
I must say the library has a vast selection of childrens' books and I find myself having a great time browsing through them.
I read a book a day to C, often repeating the same story a couple of times throughout the day.
He is getting a little more responsive to the stories and has developed the capacity to sit still through a single read. Good Job Baby!

Adrian and I were talking about the importance of training and educating Baby C for the globalised age. We concluded that one of the most important skill he needs to acquire is the ability to INQUIRE,
And I mean intelligent inquiry. I've been reading up on trans-disciplinary thematic learning . It is a fairly simple-to-understand concept of learning for a child but takes conscious effort on the part of the parents. I think I will blog about this when I have time :) The curiosity to inquire needs to start with ME! So, I've been consciously reading up, taking a new interest in the world around me. Baby C motivates me to improve myself and I look forward to the time of learning and exploring the world together with him. Oh the bliss of a stay-home-mum!
Anyway, my favourite photo to end the entry

C sleeping in the arms of Daddy A. Isnt it sweet?
How time flies!
The husband asked if I felt any different being a mum? Well NOT REALLY.
I mean Yes the panda eyes, the sleepless nights (AND days), having my life revolving around the little one etc... It's definitely an experience BUT not as different emotionally as I thought.
It's kinda surreal, fulfilling.. well if you know what I mean.
My Precious C now weighs 8kg
Yup, no joke, my little cub's is at the 99th percentile of his age group for weight and the Mummy is actually developing some muscles at the arm for the first time.

He drinks 160ml of milk every 3 hours and the BEST thing is, my little baby is sleeping through the night. YES! Baby C sleeps through the night from Week 10. Nowadays he sleeps from 8pm - 6am without waking up (though Mummy still feeds him at 1130pm every night and he suckles in his sleep). I will blog about the process of training him in my next post.
He is definitely more responsive and interactive now.
He is developing his motor skills - clutching is definitely one of them.
He now knows how to clutch his rattle, hug his soft toy and responds by laughing when I speak to him.
We have started him on the "literacy" programme, as Daddy A puts it.
Since my last post on getting a library card for C, we have put tbe card into good use.
I must say the library has a vast selection of childrens' books and I find myself having a great time browsing through them.
I read a book a day to C, often repeating the same story a couple of times throughout the day.
He is getting a little more responsive to the stories and has developed the capacity to sit still through a single read. Good Job Baby!
Adrian and I were talking about the importance of training and educating Baby C for the globalised age. We concluded that one of the most important skill he needs to acquire is the ability to INQUIRE,
And I mean intelligent inquiry. I've been reading up on trans-disciplinary thematic learning . It is a fairly simple-to-understand concept of learning for a child but takes conscious effort on the part of the parents. I think I will blog about this when I have time :) The curiosity to inquire needs to start with ME! So, I've been consciously reading up, taking a new interest in the world around me. Baby C motivates me to improve myself and I look forward to the time of learning and exploring the world together with him. Oh the bliss of a stay-home-mum!
Anyway, my favourite photo to end the entry
C sleeping in the arms of Daddy A. Isnt it sweet?