This entry is written for Baby C. I think its so important for him to know how he is named.
Christian 智義
A few months before we were married, I was doing my devotion one day as usual when I felt the Lord impressed upon my heart:
" Your first born will be a son and he will be named Christian"
I was startled as we weren't even married yet. I laughed it off dismissively yet knowing it was such a CLEAR impression. I kept it in my heart, withholding it even from Adrian.
6 weeks after we were married, we discovered I was pregnant. We subsequently spent the bulk of my pregnancy in the States (what a blessing!). We were required to go for our detailed scan at the Newport Hospital, Rhode Island on 5th Feb 2010. Before we left for the hospital that afternoon, I told the husband:
E: " This baby is gonna be a boy"
A: "How do you know?"
E: "Trust me, I just know. Its definitely gonna be a boy"
So the rest is history, our little baby was named even before he was born. Christian, Christian, isn't God amazing? Just like what the the bible says in
Ephesians 1: 4 that "He chose us in him
BEFORE the foundation of the world", Baby C is God's precious!
During the bitter winter months in Newport, Adrian and I spent the bulk of our time wrapped in thick blankets, holed up in our tiny couch at home, reading to Baby C and praying for him. One verse that constantly popped up in our prayers for Baby C and our reading was
Proverbs 31:8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
你 当 为 哑 吧 ( 或 作 不 能 自 辨 的 ) 开 口 , 为 一 切 孤 独 的 伸 冤 。
你 当 开 口 按 公義 判 断 , 为 困 苦 和 穷 乏 的 辨 屈
Christian 智義
智 = Wisdom, as the Book of Proverbs is also known as the Book of Wisdom
義 = Righteousness, as taken from the verse itself
We believe Proverbs 31:8-9 would be one of the verse to which Christian's life is anchored.
I dont know, "to speak up for the poor and helpless", does that mean Christian would be the next Attorney General of Singapore? :)

To my darling angel,
we pray you will grow up in wisdom and in stature, having the favour of God and Men. Walk in righteousness, know that you are called to live a life greater than yourself. Daddy and Mummy love you very much, and we will do our best to help you walk in your Divine Calling
Be a man of wisdom and righteousness