Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 21, 2011


听闻好莱坞食堂 (Hollywood Canteen) 即将在8月底走入历史, 昨天特地携夫带子重温旧地。


已经有十年没有涉足的地方, 昔日的场景依旧, 没有多大的改变。

食堂内仍旧排满了颜色,质料全然不搭的塑料椅子与铁桌。墙上两扇老旧的电扇嗡嗡作响,根本无法驱走午后袭人的热风。食堂外两棵大树下零星摆放了几张桌椅,除了几个喝闷酒的啊公以外, 还有几只流浪猫绕着桌底觅食。所有的画面像是定格于多年前,十年来依旧如一。

食堂内的档口没有多大的改变。令人垂涎的鸭饭档,板面,云吞面,炒粿条档仍然排着长长的人龙,唯一不同的的只是档主脸上多了因岁月的洗礼所留下的皱纹。犹如板面阿妈说的那样: 我们, 都老了。

很遗憾, 当我们到达食堂时就听到鸭饭大叔大喊:卖完了卖完了,明天才来! 顿时引来食客们失望的抱怨声。




先生一边挥汗,一边大口大口地吃,嘴里一直大赞手工面就是不一样。C在身边不安地扭动,先生说天气太热了,孩子不习惯。我说现在的孩子就是过于娇宠,没有空调就受不了,是时候让C开始习惯, 我不希望他活在甜蜜罐里。



大 学时期一星期总要在这里耗上两三回。犹记当时和一群好友经常在夜幕近乎低垂时分,坐在大树下吃板面、鸭饭,喝咖啡,拉开天窗天南地北地聊。我们聊课业,聊 可恶的XX教授,聊服事,聊未来,聊梦想,聊政治,聊心仪的男生和年少时期总是理也理不清的情感问题。有时咖啡叔看到我们一桌子没钱的大学生找乐子,还免 费送上一两瓶可乐!





事 隔十年,昔日的老友有一两个已经失去了联络。大伙儿之中有好几个已经为人母,我们在各自的领域都有不错的发展,逢年过节我们总会聚一聚。如今KFC对我们 而言已经不算贵了,但是尽管我们有能力上馆子,但是那里的菜色总不及好莱坞食堂几块钱的鸭饭,板面。。因为少了一份人情味。




啊妈: 好像有点应象,你是教堂的?啊。。。。我记得


啊妈: 哎哟宝宝可爱咯!谢谢你回来捧场。。 时间过得很快!

我: 啊妈, 你的档口搬去哪里?我以后一定捧场

啊妈:不知道,还找不到地方。现在租金太贵,而且竞争很大。他们叫我搬去hawker centre,可是就是不一样啦。hawker centre 跟这个老canteen, 感觉就是不同。咳。。难过啊,我老了,可能不要再作了。我也不知道。










Sunday, December 12, 2010

City College Party

Attended City College Party a few weeks ago.
As per the college's tradition, the school would organized a year end party for all the graduating students to celebrate the end of O level examination.
Previously, we'd always tried to choose an "exotic" place for the party, coupled with professional Deejays, special performances, door gifts etc. It wa fun no doubt, but the teachers were totally burnt out from organizing the event. Not to mention the higher ticket price is a deterrent to students who could ill afford such "luxury".

This year the college decided to try something different.
We decided to do away with fancy locations and over-elaborate programme. We held the event at the college itself with catered buffet. We invited students and alumni over the 8 years of school's existence and we had a great "thanksgiving party"!

Lotsa catching up. Simple programme. Great testimonials. Love and appreciation in the air
Students from the previous years showed up. It was a great time of reunion.
What a joy it is to see their transformation, to celebrate their advancement and to know you have played a part in their lives.

With my wonderful colleagues
With my bff Tiffy
And this was us A YEAR ago, before we had our kids.
So glam right? Sighh haha
Jiale, the most transformed individual!
I remembered visiting him at Kaki Bukit Prison,
the ex-gangster, now a youth leader

The "naughty" boys from the 2009 class who gave me alot of headache.
But oh what a joy to see them and hear them say
"Cher, ho sei boh?"
The 2008 Class
With my 1st batch of students, Matthew and Jessel
One a Uni student, the other a music director.
I'm so awesomely proud of them

City College Party holds much significance for me
This year is special because I've since resigned from the school to be a SAHM
This year is also significant as it marks the 1st year of being a mum.
Looking back, I asked myself, what would I have done differently for my students?

I think I would have been more gracious.
I would and should have given them a 3rd, 4th and 5th chance
I would walk a 2nd, 3rd and 4th mile
I would not have given up on anyone (Yes, I did give up on some)
I would do all the above because their mums would have done exactly just that

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

15 Seconds

15 seconds is all it takes for C to perform the stunt
I looked away to check my hp for new messages. It couldnt be more than 15 seconds.
And this was what awaited me

Time to childproof the floor with foam mats!

Btw, my little Christian fell off my bed that very night with a loud Thud!
He has been practicing how to flip and when he did succeed for the first time, he was rewarded with a bad fall. Sigh...
He is ok but the parents were and still are visibly shaken.
Well, I'm sure this is the first but would probably not be the last of the " falls "

Ai Zai... Steady Pom Pit Pit

Monday, December 6, 2010

Our Nest!

We've finally gotten our NEST after 2 years of praying and searching.
We just bought a 5-Rm flat near Serangoon Central. The process was simply Divine. Indeed God is really good and He has granted us the desires of our heart!
The flat was everything we've asked for - High floor, bright, airy, spacious (Boy I'm pleased with the big space) unblocked view and facing greeneries.
Thank you Jesus!

It's amazing how God provides.
2 years ago I've scoffed at the idea of relocating to Serangoon, complaining about how ulu that place is. But See? Never say never
2 Years, 1 wedding and 1 kid later, we are shifting to Serangoon.
Oh yes, we the kiasu parents have decided to plant our family in Serangoon because we are going to send Christian to Rosyth Primary - another kiasu behaviour which I would have never imagined myself adopting 2 years back.
Parenthood changes everything eh?

Ah well...
We've decided to engage KNQ to renovate our nest. I totally love their style!
The place really requires moajorReally looking forward

Some Pre-Reno Pictures:

Living room and Balcony

Dining Area


Common Room

Master Bedroom

Renovation would begin next week. Will post pics after 6 weeks.
Woohoo, so looking forward to our new place!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The "Cost Analysis" for Baby No 2

Following my previous post, blog "readers" (not that many though) have kindly pointed out that A&E's conversation on Baby No.2 had left out an important factor - Cost.
I even received smses to remind me that beyond sperm quality, THE COST involved should be a an important variable for consideration.
There is even one sms that read something like -
"aiya, your husband so rich, confirm can support a SAHM and 4 kids LOL"

Seriously, if we are THAT rich, we would be spotted in Porsche now and probably getting our property in River Valley/Orchard. I would not say we are poor (definitely not), but we are relatively comfortable. The decision for me to stay home is made based on our child-rearing beliefs and really, we made big adjustments in our lifestyle to accommodate that decision. I guess its just a personal preference.

Anyway, this post was born out of a rather interesting (or comical) conversation with the hubby on THE COST of Baby No.2. Trust me, between the 2 of us, I'm the one that is very mindful of THE COST. However, his usual over-logical-explanation-which- makes-perfect sense cracks me up as usual.
(Note to self - That's one reason why I marry him.)

According to him, Cost from an Economics standpoint should be viewed as Opportunity Cost and not just Price, as determined by demand and supply of market forces, which by itself is relative.

Opportunity Cost (OC) = the opportunities forgone in the choice of one expenditure over others
The OC of yours truly choosing to be a SAHM is the economic returns from working + potential future returns (measured in possible promotions, bonuses etc). The decision to have Baby No.2 does not change the OC already incurred in having Baby No.1 (albeit, w/0 Baby No.2, I'll probably be able to return to workforce earlier)
So from this perspective, it probably makes more sense to have Baby No.2 and No.3 to justify the OC incurred.

Next up, Sunk Cost
Sunk Cost = Cost incurred which cannot be recovered regardless of future events
The husband promptly reminded me the vested investment in the bundle of baby stuff that we've purchased from the US - electric breast pump, peg perego stroller, baby bjorn carrier, the 2 boxes worth of baby and toddler's clothing, Cosco car seat, the Braun electric thermometer, the tons of Fisher and Price toys etc.. these are sunk cost that cannot be recovered!
Hence, to enjoy Economics of Scale (EOS), it totally makes sense to have baby No.2 and SOON while the goods are still in good condition. EOS is also reaped when you purchase diapers in bulk for 2 babies, prepare baby food in bulk for 2 babies, organize field trips and excursions for 2 or more kids etc etc.

Yup, thats my hubby for you!
After OC, Sunk Cost and EOS, the argument based on ROI and Indifference Curve ensued.

I shall not even attempt to bore you guys with my attempted rebuttal based on the Diminishing Marginal Utility aka (Pleasure) of child rearing.
Boy, did we we have a good laugh over this so-called "rationalization"!

But really, parenthood is a lifelong responsibility.
How does one monetise the energy, effort, headache and worries that ensued with parenthood? How do I quantify also the joy and fulfillment in watching the little one's journey to adulthood?
I cant begin to put a price tag to it.

I read this beautiful quote by Elizabeth Stone years back:

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”

What a beautiful and profound statement. I'm only JUST beginning to comprehend this.

To Parenthood.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baby No 2

OMG! I cannot imagine friends-cum-relatives are already asking us about Baby No. 2

Before we got attached: "When are you getting a BF?
Dont keep chasing after degrees, study enough liao!"

After we got attached: " When are you guys getting married?"

After we got married: " When is Little A or Little E coming?"

NOW that we have BbC: "When are you planning for No. 2?"

Seriously. There is No End.

So, are we planning for No. 2?
I'm really not too sure if this is the right time to think about this, granted BbC just turned 4 months. I'm still such a new mum and have SO MUCH to learn, though I must say BbC is a very very easy baby to take care... that I'm Blessed.

Well, the husband and I did talk about planning No.2.
(Here's how the conversation goes)

A: " Aiyo, BbC is SO CUTE! Cant stand it, I think we should think about having another baby next year"

E (Roll-eyed): " You would find him cute of course, granted YOURS TRULY is the one that is doing the feeding, cleaning, burping and disciplining while you play the loving doting daddy"

A: "I work hard to bring in the bacon ok..."

E: " Yup, that's true, thats not what I meant. I meant I'm with BbC 24hrs, and it is really taxing watching after an infant"

A:" Well, I'm just gonna get busier and busier and my sailing schedule next year is off-the-chart crazy. It's gonna be highly stressful time. If we want to think about family planning, it better be soon, or now."

"Plus, we are not getting any younger, Ok not just you, me too. According to research, the quality of sperm degenerates rapidly after 30 and under duress or stress."

E (thinking aloud) " Goodness, since when does sperm quality becomes a variable in family planning too?"

A: " What is the Chinese zodiac animal next year?"

E: " Rabbit"

A: " And the year after that?"

E: " Dragon"

A: " Ah-ha, didnt you always say you wanna avoid having a dragon baby? Remember, the bumper crowd syndrome? Crazy enrolment for primary school, enlistment for NS?"

E: " Oh ya, the DRAGON YEAR!, ahhhh I've totally forgotten about it! Ya, point taken, maybe we should consider..."

AND the conversation goes on and on...

So, has the husband convinced me to have a 2nd child?
Not quite, though I must admit- Im swayed.

His reasoning is perfectly logical (as usual). That coupled with the fact that I do want to have THE few kids asap while I'm a SAHM and hopefully return to workforce while they are much older.

BUt, silly as this may sound, I cant imagine giving BbC any less love and attention he deserved.
A 2nd child means I have less time for BbC, that by itself is a "killing" thought, at least for now.

Conclusion??? - Lets KIV
We'll see how
In the meantime, I'll enjoy my BbC to the fullest, every minute and second of the day

Erm.... Are you guys talking about me?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I'm really enjoying my life as a SAHM (Stay-at-home-mum)
No Joke. I thought I would have gone crazy by Week 3 but I didnt.

During our stay in Newport, Rhode Island, our neighbourhood was full of SAHMs. The playground just a few streets from our house became the de-factor meeting place for the mummies. Strollers parked in a row, children screaming together and the mummies gathered at a corner gossiping, oops I meant catching up with each other. I could NEVER imagine myself being one.

BUT, never say never.

The daily routine is mundane to the point of boring at times. My world now revolves around feeding, burping, changing soiled diapers, putting him to bed, the daily walk around the neighbourhood park. My new-found gadgets - flash cards upon flash cards, kids stories books, rattle, soft toys. Yet despite the "mundaneness", everyday is also an adventure. I discover new things about Baby C and me. I learn new tricks with him and simply enjoying the time spent together. I'm so glad that I will be able to witness my little darling grows, to be there for him at every milestone of his growing years.

But being a SAHM also means there are sacrifices we need to make together as a family. Gone are the days when the husband buys any gadget at will and I dont think twice spending on a spa massage session.We've downgraded our Residence and settled for a cheaper car. We no longer eat out so often, probably only once a week. We watched our expenses ever so carefully. We have postponed our holiday plans indefinitely and that also means no more designer bags, shoes and watches for me for quite a (long) while.

Yet, I'm contented.
(strange choice of word ya)
But I am.

I'm so grateful to my Hubby who worked so hard to bring in the bacon so that I can do what I've always wanted to do - be there for my children.

Do I miss working? Yes I do
Do I miss being financially independent? Yes I do
Do I miss the mental stimulation and the intellectual debates in school? Yes I do

But I believe there is a season for everything.
Season to Chiong for ministry; Season to study; Season to work; Season to play
It varies for different ones. I salute and admire mothers in church who juggle work,ministry and family, its really NO MEAN FEAT. But for me, this is the season in my life that I want to be there Full Time for my family and kids and be THE BEST I can be.

I read this somewhere: "The Days are Long, but The Years are Short"

I wanna hold Christian when he still wants me; I wanna learn with Christian when he still needs me; I wanna take a walk with him daily when he is still willing and comfort him when he would still run to me. There will come a time when he will stretch his wings and soar. I want to be able to look back and say once again:

I'm Contented

My darling angel, you are worth every sacrifice :)